When you make a donation to the Friends of Children’s Hospitals Foundation, you are directly supporting the little patients in Warsaw. No matter how little or big the amount, every donation makes a difference in the lives of children and their families.


Your 1.5% Tax Can Improve Children’s Healthcare in Warsaw

It takes just a minute. All you need to do is put down our KRS number (0000093204) in your tax return form.
Simple, isn’t it?

Download a free PIT program to make your tax settlements:

Make your tax settlements

If you make the tax settlements yourself, write our KRS number in the 1.5% box:


The Friends of Children’s Hospitals in Warsaw prepared a free PIT program to make tax settlements. The version of the program on this website makes it easier to donate 1.5% to the Foundation, however it doesn’t give option to freely choose another organization.
We raise 1.5% with Łatwe podatki.
PIT settlement in cooperation with the Non-Governmental Organizations support institute as part of the project for public benefit organizations.


We love hearing your fundraising stories and and we’re happy to advise you. Just send an email to
or call our team at
+48 22 324 52 22

Please note that when you organize a private event for your friends you can collect the donations and hand them on your party’s behalf or have them donated directly. However, when you host a public event you must adhere to Polish law and regulations.

When can I donate my 1.5%?

  • When you settle on a tax scale – filling in PIT-36, PIT-37
  • When you are taxed at 19% of the rate – filling PIT-36L, PIT-38, PIT-39
  • When you are a flat-rate tax payer (PIT-28)
  • When you are a pensioner (PIT-37)

1.5% FAQ


1.5% FAQ

  • Which organizations can collect 1.5% tax?
    1% tax can be collected only by organizations which have the status of public benefit organization (OPP: organizacja pożytku publicznego) and they are included on the list published by the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy by the 15th of December each year.
  • Where exactly in the PIT form do I have to write the name of the organization?
    There is no need to enter an organization name. Just put our KRS number: 000093204. If you use the program that we provide on our site, the KRS number is already included there..
  • Do I need to provide the account number of the organization which I want to donate 1.5% for?
    No. The money is transferred by the tax office. You only need to enter our KRS number in the appropriate box in the PIT form.
  • Do I have to specify an aim?
    You may tell us that you want to donate your 1.5% tax to a specific campaign or a specific action, e.g. purchase of medical equipment. However, this is not necessary.
  • If I specify an aim which I donate 1.5% tax for, does the organization have to obey it?
    No. From the legal perspective, it is just a suggestion that the organization may take into account.
  • If I give you tax now, then automatically every year it will get you?
    No. You have the right to choose the organization you want to donate your 1% tax every year. No organization gets 1.5% automatically.
  • What happens if I do not transfer my tax to any organization?
    1% tax is the amount that every taxpayer pays, no matter whether you choose to donate your 1.5% or not. If you do not want to transfer 1.5% of your organization, it will go to the state budget.
  • Will the organization which I give my 1.5% will have access to my personal data and the amount I donate?
    Yes, if you agree, you can indicate the permission in the PIT form that you want to disclose your data. You do not have to do that.
  • If I already made the tax settlements. However, I want to correct the form because I forgot to give 1.5%. Can I do it?
    Yes. Up to 2 months after submission, you can make a correction.
  • Does transfer of 1.5% of tax affect the amount of refund of overpaid tax?
    No. This does not affect the amount of return that the taxpayer receives.
  • I already have a tax settlement program that automatically puts the KRS number of another organization, and I want 1.5% to the Friends Foundation. What should I do?
    Many programs suggest donating 1.5% to a particular organization. If you would like to donate your 1.5% tax to the Friends Foundation, please use a program which is available on our website.


See how 1.5% impacts the children’s health

TAX in 2016

RAISED: 120 824 PLN

An ultrasound machine for the Pediatric Hospital of WUM
The machine offers precision and gives the opportunity to test newborns, infants and children struggling with various illnesses. New ultrasound allows also deep imaging in the uptake of biopsy. Annually, around 18 000 children may be tested with the equipment.

TAX in 2015

RAISED: 153 797 PLN

Prevention of hospital-acquired infections program at the Litewska Hospital
The machine offers precision and gives the opportunity to test newborns, infants and children struggling with various illnesses. New ultrasound allows also deep imaging in the uptake of biopsy. Annually, around 18 000 children may be tested with the equipment.

TAX in 2014

RAISED: 161 234 PLN

TwinStream ventilator for the Litewska Hospital
The machine offers precision and gives the opportunity to test newborns, infants and children struggling with various illnesses. New ultrasound allows also deep imaging in the uptake of biopsy. Annually, around 18 000 children may be tested with the equipment.


Want to raise money for Friends Foundation? Looking for fundraising ideas?
Discover easy and fun ways to fundraise


If you have a well-stocked collection of books. records, etc. and you’re willing to let them go for a good cause, an auction could be the thing for you!

Bake sale

Bake your way to your fundraising goal. You can hold your event at work, school or your home. You’ll be sure to find people who will donate money in exchange for your delicious cake.

Costume party

Host a party at home, school or in the office. Encourage guests to dress up and ask for donations. Award a prize to the guest with the most interesting or scariest attire.

Movie night

Having a film screening at your home? Choose a recent hit or an old classic and charge entry.

Collection box

Make a collection box for your reception deskt at work.

Be an Athlete

Organize a run, cycle or areobics class with colleagues. The options are endless. A bit of office competition is a good thing!

Celebrating Milestones

Weddings? Birthdays? Ask for donations on these special occasions. Share your happiness with others!

Game night

Enjoy playing board games? Great! You can charge your friends for joining the team.


Don’t know what to put on your Christmas list? Ask for donations instead of presents.